Dental Plans

Dental Plans

VACE Insurance Program-

Northeast Delta Dental Plans

Through a cooperative effort with the Northeast Kingdom Chamber of Commerce and the Vermont Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, the two organizations have partnered to offer two benefit options for your consideration. We understand the importance of good dental care to good health and have worked for more than 20 years to offer the best dental plans possible at the best possible cost.


Northeast Kingdom Chamber member groups that participate in the VACEplus Insurance program are eligible as long as there is an identifiable employer who sponsors the plan, signs the joinder application and makes payment to VACE.

All employees and dependents are eligible after an eligibility (probationary) period chosen by the employers. Dependent coverage continues to age 26. Incapacitated children can remain enrolled regardless of age. If an employer chooses to cover one dependent, all eligible dependents must be enrolled. Coverage for enrolled employees and dependents must continue until the end of the contract year.


When you participate in the chamber dental plans, you are part of the larger VACE Insurance Program, comprised of 34 chambers, that was especially established for the many thousands of chamber members throughout the state. As a Northeast Kingdom Chamber member, you receive special group rates, an option designed especially for participants of the VACE Insurance Program and the benefits of Northeast Delta Dental's 40-plus years of experience with the vast majority of dentists in New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont.


Employers can choose between the two plan options below:

  • The Delta Dental PPO plus Premier Network, which utilizes both the Premier and PPO networks. Included in this plan is the opportunity to double your annual maximum by earning an additional $250 per year for use in future benefit periods. Please ask about the “Double-Up Max” benefit.
  • The Delta Dental PPO Plan uses only the PPO network.

With Delta Dental PPO plus Premier and Delta Dental PPO Plan dentists, you’ll get the best dollar value from your program when you receive your dental care from a Delta Dental PPO dentist.  Delta Dental PPO dentists generally accept lower fees for services. You may also choose to visit a dentist who participates in the larger, Delta Dental Premier network and still enjoy savings.

Under either plan selection, patients are allowed to visit any dentist but will receive additional savings when visiting participating in-network providers. Patients seeing non-network providers are responsible for any difference between the submitted charges and allowances for non-network providers.

You are free to see any dentist you wish, but you’ll get the best value from your Northeast Delta Dental program when you receive your care from a participating dentist.  The benefits of seeing a participating dentist include no balance billing, no up-front payments, no claims paperwork and direct payment.

As a subscriber if you prefer to see a non-participating dentist, you are free to do so.  Payment for services rendered by a nonparticipating dentist is based on Delta Dental’s allowance for non-participating providers in the geographic areas in which service is provided.


While employers are encouraged to contribute toward the cost of employee coverage, there is no minimum employer contribution required for this program. The employer, however, must agree to sponsor the program, offer it to all eligible employees and collect employee contributions through payroll deductions.


Kingdom Massage

Olive Ylin, CMT and Robert-John Benoit, LMT (MA) have been providing massage therapy services to the Hardwick community and other towns and villages throughout the Northeast Kingdom for a long time.

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